Thursday, April 15, 2010

RobSten Alert! RobSten Alert!!!

We previously reported that RobSten was sighted leaving Budapest together but we were not sure where they were headed (either US or UK) so now we are certain!  The two lovebirds (oh, cumon! Admit it already!) were spotted arriving in London on April 11th, amidst col weather and wearing check this out; MATCHING SHOES! So sweet!!!

Its like, they are (obviously) two young love struck stars who are adamantly doing their best to be madly in love and still stay hidden... Hehehehe...

Anywhoo, I strongly believe coming clean is the remedy. don't you think so too? :p


atiza-irmeahs ransom said...

thats made my day..ehehe
idk why but i like that they are so sneaky bout the love, go robsten..!!:DD

Twilighters Malaysia said...

ngee~~~ smiling ear to ear! I loooooveeeee it!! ~ Beta