Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Is Oprah's BEST MOVIE OF 2009!!!

Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner & Kristen Stewart in New Moon

YaY! Oprah has chosen The Twilight Saga: New Moon as the BEST MOVIE OF 2009!!! That shouts a lot for us TwiHards, don't you think? Here's what written on the website:

Best Movie: The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Teenage girls aren't the only ones keeping the Twilight franchise alive—Oprah.com users voted New Moon the best film of the year. Watching Stephenie Meyer's tale of a vampire-werewolf-human love triangle come to life onscreen was deeply satisfying—from Jacob's breathtaking CGI transition to Edward's sparkling skin in the Italian sunlight. Now, the question we're all asking: Will there be a fifth book in the series?

Yes Oprah, we do hope too. And we will still be hoping till it finally happens. Hey, some of us (read: me) waited like 10 years for the final book of The Earth's Children Saga to be published and man, it was worth it... And I know Midnight Sun will be too!!!


You can look at the other winners in other categories here.

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