Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bella's honeymoon dress is a VINTAGE!

If you love Bella's nude sheath (you know the cream coloured dress she wore while smooching hubby Edward on the streets of Lapa) and want to get one, unfortunately, Summit Entertainment has confirmed the dress is “one-of-a-kind vintage.”

[Ina Noorazan] - the dress just screams "Alice Cullen Approved!" ;)


MeL C said...

they always say it's "one-of-a-kind vintage". A somewhat similar version will surely pop out somewhere, like how they can find cheaper versions of Oscar dresses and stuff :) :)

remember that hoodie Bella wore in New Moon (or Twilight? can't remember) that is out of production? well, they found it on eBay. :D

Twilighters Malaysia said...

Well, it is one of a kind vintage but u can't help it when others trying to make a cheap version of it when the demand is there. won't be the same in terms of the material and quality. ;)

Anonymous said...

You can find a very nice dress similar to hers on ebay. Just search Bella's honoeymoon dress. It looks fantastic. And it is not a cheap replica but an original design inspired by her look, which I think is great.